It has been about a year since I've blogged here. I’ve missed you!
The last 12 months have comprised a period of great shift for me. I know that a lot of us are in the throes of major transition. In an effort to slow down and really integrate the wisdom of recent experience, I spent some time going inward for a little while. I’ve been here the whole time, just a bit more quietly. But now I’m ready to ignite the fire of new growth with the jubilance and playful spirit that comes with Spring.
I have been refining my areas of interest and focus a bit as I’ve come through the last year. And while I’ve always worked with flower essences/vibrational medicine, lately the profundity of these remedies has been particularly awe-inspiring. In meditating on the theme of this newsletter, a directive came to me: I was supposed to tap into the collective energy, or douse for a remedy that would speak to the issues currently on our cosmic radar. And so I did.
What I came up was a flower called Mulla Mulla. At first I was perplexed; Mulla Mulla is a very niche essence and is used specifically to treat the fear of fire. And then I got another piece; today’s New Moon is in Aries. Aries is a fire sign.
When I think about fire, I think about sparks and ignition – the life force that’s housed in our core. It’s a catalyzing element. Its power to generate is commensurate to its power to destroy. It’s high stakes.
But that’s the way our Life Force energy is too. And a theme that is revealing itself to me again and again lately (in my own life, in my work with clients, and even in my work with a dear mentor) is this: we are paradoxically paralyzed by our fear of this energy and desperate for it at the same time.
Last week a client came to me wanting to explore her terror of death. “There’s no fear of death without a simultaneous fear of life,” I told her. And so it is with fire; we are afraid of both capable ends. The very thing that can make us come alive most profoundly can also annihilate us. Therefore we must wield it with impeccable skill.
I recently heard it said that the level of resistance is proportionate to the level of Desire. The latter is the stuff of fire; it’s the fuel that we run on in this world. But most of us, if we’re honest with ourselves, are caught in an unsatisfactory jockeying between these two poles. Which feels kind of akin to driving with the parking brake on.
The good news is that it’s a perfect time to break the cycle. The world needs that from us – it’s time to ignite our visions, to come out of hiding, to show up Bigger. Playing small simply isn’t an option. As one of my favorite bands, Stars, says, “When there’s nothing left to burn, you have to set yourself on fire.” Indeed the time has come.
So the New Moon is in Aries. My sources tell me that it may feel like a Cosmic New Year, rife with fresh beginnings and breakthroughs. It’s reputedly an excellent time to begin new ventures and to answer the call that perhaps you’ve been putting off.
Don’t allow fear to eclipse you. Embrace the fire of your Desire. Let it burn bold and bright!